I have made two pairs of shoes inspired by styles of shoes from dates at the start and end of the longer Regency era as part of 300 Years of Shoes, the collection which you can see here
And below, the real thing. Regency Shoes! you don't need words from me. It's a feast for the eyes.

I do love historical shoe labels

BATMC: 1.10.69 (cream right) 1810-1820 leather, silk, applied decoration, maker Ridley

BATMC: 2007.21 1810-1820 silk, woven (Satin), elastane Creator: Marsh
BATMC: 1.10.283 (yellow left) 1800 earliest date, leather
And when you've got a personal name, the shoes' owner's signature, so very much the better.
BATMC 1.10.276 1790-1799 leather. silk, owner Mrs Gooch
BATMC: 1.10.281 A (yellow left) 1770-1799 leather, metal, silk, rubber, elastic
BATMC: 1.10.277 (red right) 1797-1799 silk
BATMC: 1.10.30 1780-1800 leather, Maker Isaac Maclaren, Gracechurch Street

BATMC: 1.10.297 1805-1810 silk

BATMC: 1.10.30 1700-1800 leather
to give you a sense of scale (tiny feet, not just small but narrow!)
BATMC: 1.10.3366 100-1799 silk
and BATMC: 1.10.68 1805-1815 leather, silk, applied decoration, producer name Smith
All images accredited Bath Fashion Museum